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Serial JPG Camera


This Serial Camera is a JPEG color camera module easy for PC& MCU use.It has integrated image processing DSP to generate 320*240 or 640*480 JPEG image without thumbnail information, captured picture will be stored in internal buffer and transferred via UART port. Model: SOD03010S

SerialCamera101.jpg SerialCamera111.jpg


  • Default baud rate of serial port is 38400
  • 640x480/320x240(default) resolution
  • JPEG compressed image without Thumbnail Information
  • 5v power supply
  • Controlled by UART protocol



The Serial JPG Camera module use RS232 to communicate with PC or Microcontrollers. SerialCamera interface.jpg


Use the Serial JPG Camera with PC

Step 1:Download dedicated serial port debugging tool File:Serial Camera and install it.
Step 2: Connect Serial camera to PC UART Port with a USB2UART module such as the USB convertor.
Step 3: Open the tool on PC.Choose the correct COM number of the port you link to the camera ,default bautrate 38400,and then open the port. Debugtool.png { loading=lazy }

Step 4: Click the button "Reset" to reset the camera.

Step 5::Click "单张拍摄"(Single capture mode) to take a picture. Of course you can modify the image to 640x480 mode, note that you should click the resume button after you modidy the setting.

Use Camera with Arduino and wirelss SD card shield

Here we use the Serial JPG Camera to make a Arduino Camera.
First, you need to install a SD card shield to Arduino, to store the pictures with SD card, and a proto shield onto the SD shield, install a button on the protoshield so that when the button pressed, the voltage on A5 would be HIGH and LOW when not pressed.
And then connect the Serial Camera to Arduino:
Camera <------------> Arduino
TX <-----------> Pin0
RX <------------>Pin1
Vcc <------------>5V
GND <------------> GND

2. And then upload the demo code to your Arduino board, note that you may need to take away the RX/TX of camera from Arduino when uploading the code:

Camera with ArduinoUART.png

3. Press the button , the Camera will take a picture and store the picture into the SD card. you can adjust the camera lens to change the focal distance, to make the picture more clear.

Camera with Arduino pincture.png


Note that it may not work ok in Arduino1.01 sometimes, please download Arduino IDE beyond V1.0.2.