PCB Assembly

PCB Assembly

Laser Cut PCB Stencil

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This service provides quick and high quality laser cut stencils. There are two kinds of stencils,one of the stencil without frame;the other of the stencil with frame. If your design meet the requirement, the stencil will be fabricated in 24 hours and shipped in 2-3 days.

Limitation on PCB size:

Frame Dimension Effective Dimension
20cm x 20cm no frame 18cm x 18cm
20cm x 25cm no frame 18cm x 23cm
20cm x 30cm no frame 18cm x 28cm
28cm x 38cm no frame 19cm x 29cm
30cm x 40cm 13cm x 21cm
37cm x 47cm 19cm x 29cm
42cm x 52cm 24cm x 34cm
45cm x 55cm 27cm x 37cm
58.4cm x 58.4cm 40cm x 40cm
55cm x 65cm 37cm x 47cm
73.6cm ×73.6cm 50cm x 50cm
40cm ×80cm 22cm × 60cm
40cm × 100cm 22cm × 76cm
40cm × 120cm 22cm × 100cm
40cm × 140cm 22cm × 120cm
50cm × 70cm 32cm × 50cm
50cm × 80cm 32cm × 60cm
50cm × 120cm 32cm × 100cm
50cm × 140cm 32cm × 120cm
50cm × 150cm 32cm × 130cm

Gerber file requirement (The following layers are needed):

Top Paste layer: pcbname.GTP
Bottom Paste layer: pcbname.GBP
Top Silk Layer: pcbname.GTO
Bottom Silk Layer: pcbname.GBO


  1. Stencil material: SUS304H-TA/AB glue/Aluminium-frame.
  2. No limitation on panelizing.
  3. The Gerber file must be RS-274x format.
  4. If there are GBP layer and GTP layer(Bottom Paste layer and Top Paste layer), please also provide the Bottom silk screen layer. so that the stencil engineer will know whether mirror the bottom layer or not.
  5. We will open all the paste layer, but there are also some exception sometimes, such as standard golden fingers, standard RF antenna.
  6. If there is no paste layer, but there are Solder Mask layer, Top Layer and Bottom layer. we will manufacture it according to Solder Mask layer and the size of the pads
  7. The regular thickness of the stencil will be 0.1mm,0.12mm,0.15mm,0.18mm or 0.2mm, if you need other thickness stencil, please contact us via email: pcb@elecrow.com or order@elecrow.com
  8. The shape of holes on the stencil for the SMT pads may a little difference from the gerber file. especially for the big pads
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