Most people are unaware of Cosmic Rays, yet they exist everywhere, unseen or felt. They were created long ago when primary particles get accelerated to near the speed of light by the tremendous magnetic shockwaves when stars supernova, black holes eat, and binary stars merge. The very same processes that thrust heavy elements made inside stars and other extreme events to form interstellar dust, asteroids, planets, and the building blocks for life. Cosmic Rays are an ongoing and continuous reminder of the immense scale, age, and complexity of the universe and the importance of science to our understanding. Building a Cosmic Ray Muon Detector allows anyone to collect data and visualise or make music from Cosmic Ray showers here on Earth. It is an opportunity to share an appreciation of Cosmic Rays: how tiny our little blue planet is, where it exists within the vastness of the universe, a precious, rare and fragile place, something worth protecting.