Elon Musk OpenAI cofunder urges halt to AI training beyond GPT-4

Elon Musk OpenAI cofunder urges halt to AI training beyond GPT-4

A call to stop advanced AI bots

Elon Musk OpenAI cofunder and other tech luminaries have urged artificial intelligence (AI) labs to stop training systems beyond the capabilities of OpenAI's latest large-scale language model, Chat GPT4. In an open letter signed by Musk and Steve Wozniak, the industry leaders called for a 6-month hiatus in the development of such advanced AI systems because of potential risks to society. Elon Musk, a co-founder of OpenAI, also famous for being a founder of Tesla, has criticized the organization. He says it has deviated from its original purpose.

Elon Musk calls to stop ChatGPT5

It's just incredibly surprising that Elon Musk OpenAI cofunder would call for a halt to training, given that ChatGPT -3 just debuted in November 2022.

Elon Musk OpenAI cofunder and other tech leaders are calling for a pause in developing AI systems that can compete with human intelligence. AI labs were urged to stop training models more powerful than OpenAI's GPT-4, the latest version of its large language model software, in an open letter from the Future of Life Institute signed by Musk, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, and 2020 presidential candidate Andrew Yang.

The letter expressed concern about potential societal risks from today's AI systems, which are increasingly competing with humans in everyday tasks. He asked whether we should allow machines to flood information channels with propaganda and misinformation, automate every job, or create inhuman intelligence which might outnumber and replace people.

The Future of Life Institute is a non-profit organization based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, that works to ensure the responsible and ethical development of artificial intelligence. Founders include Max Tegmark and Jaan Tallinn, and the organization has previously gotten Musk and the Google-owned AI lab DeepMind to commit to never developing deadly autonomous weapons systems.

The Institute is calling on all AI labs to immediately cease the training of AI systems that are more powerful than GPT-4 for at least six months. GPT-4, released earlier this month, is considered far more advanced than its predecessor, GPT-3.

Hower, It doesn't mean a permanent pause in AI development: "This does not mean a pause in AI development in general," the letter states, but rather "a step back from the dangerous race to ever larger unpredictable black-box models with emergent capabilities.”


The Dark side of ChatGPT

Samsung finds chip-related data leak through the use of ChatGPT

It's not surprising that more intelligent Ai bots beyond ChatGPT-4 are now being urged to stop.

According to the South Korean magazine The Economist, Samsung Electronics, which introduced ChatGPT less than 20 days ago, recently revealed an accident involving the leak of confidential information related to semiconductor equipment measurement data, product yield, etc., stored in the ChatGPT database.

In total, there were three incidents related to ChatGPT, 2 related to semiconductor equipment and 1 related to the content of the meeting.

One employee asked the chatbot to optimize the code, and another employee used it to create meeting minutes, resulting in "equipment measurement and yield data were sent intact to U.S. companies," the firm said.

 ChatGPT leak Sumsung's data

More ChatGPT bans due to lack of transparency

OpenAI's handling of data to train AI models isn't yet clear, with companies increasingly worried about sensitive information feeding into chatbots.

Last month, a data breach involving user conversations and information about subscriber payments forced ChatGPT to be taken offline.

The incident also prompted Italy to become the first Western country to rein in ChatGPT over privacy concerns, according to an announcement last Friday by the country's data protection authority.

Some Wall Street firms, including JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, and Goldman Sachs Group, restricted employees from using ChatGPT last month, according to Bloomberg.

 The black box of  artificial intelligence of ChatGPT 5

ChatGPT network Error

ChatGPT series sometimes may not work as efficiently as people expect it to, a lot of problems occur like chatgpt internal server errors, error code 1020 chatgpt issues always bother users. Also some users may encounter "chatgpt error in body stream" ,"chatgpt access denied "and "chatgpt login not working" troubles as well.

“ChatGPT is dumber than you think.” said some chatgpt users, and even some ChatGPT prompts may not work for the people to get the answer they want.

 Will ChatGPT5 take place of Human

Final Words

ChatGPT and chatbots beyond GPT4 are efficient and transforming society in an inevitable way, however, their potential risks are still unknown, but still, tech enthusiasts think there are so many limitations on AI compared to the human brain, which can produce more flexible and creative work like building DIY projects from scratch, which is definitely impossible for AI bots.

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