IoT stands for Internet of Things, which refers to the network of physical devices embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies that enable them to connect and exchange data over the internet.
Smart Powermeter
J. G. Aguado
HPR Heat Pump Revolution
Juergen Boehm
AI-based Aquatic Ultrasonic Imaging & Chemical Water Testing
Kutluhan Aktar
Cyber Clock an IoT OLED Desk Clock With Hygro-Thermometer
HMI and DIY audio switch
Arkadiusz Zacharzewski
USB Killer Detector
Carlos Guzman
Control Your Home Appliances using your Voice
Kishan Pratap Singh
Arduino OPLA IoT Kit Blink Example and Symon Says Game
Mirko Pavleski
Smart Solar Plant
ESC Vlogs
Digital Timer Switch with CrowPanel 3.5" Display
Stefan Maetschke
Modular IoT Kit
Shebin Jose Jacob
FarmGuard : Farm Security with Cellular IoT and AI
Samith TM