Serial Programmer for uC AVR (ATTiny2313)
Circuit description
Simple programmer, powered directly from the serial port of the PC, with the help of which you can program or reprogram 20-pin uC AVR, respectively ATTiny2313.
The programmer, whose scheme is at hand, is an SI Prog interface compatible with the free program Pony Prog. The 5C power supply of the programmed uC is made directly from the serial port of the PC, after rectified through D1, D2, D3, filtering through C1 and C2,
and stabilization at 5V with a L7805CV series regulator (in TO220 capsule).
Capacitors C5 and C7 can be mounted with values between 22pF and 33pF.
Zener diodes D4 and D5 are 5V1.
Have fun with it !